Flores area
Flores area
This is the Northern part of this province and exists out of Flores Island and several smaller islands such as, Komodo, Alor archipelago and Solor. Although tourism in general is growing on the island, Flores also has a growing Eco-tourism industry, where you can visit traditional villages, stay with local families and join in Eco-friendly activities such as bird watching and trekking. Flores also has good snorkeling and scuba diving in several locations along the north coast, most notably Komodo and Riung.
Sumba area
Sumba area
This area consists out of the entire Island Sumba, which is devided in four regions. Known for its wild coastlines, surfers have been visiting this island for many years. The famous Nihi Resort, the world’s best hotel, which happens to be located here in Sumba, was founded by a couple of surfers. Aside from a couple of resorts, tourism infrastructure is very basic and it is not an easy destination for independent travel except for the most hardy of traveler. If you do make the effort though, you will be rewarded by experiencing a unique culture and some stunning beaches.
West Timor area
West Timor area
West Timor, which exists out of the Western part of Timor Island and several small island in this area, such as Rote and Sabu. According to legend, this island got its name accidentally when a lost Portuguese sailor arrived and asked a farmer where he was. The surprised farmer, who could not speak Portuguese, introduced himself, "Rote".